For the Love of Collage

In middle school, my best friend Evie and I would spend hours cutting out pictures from Teen Vogue and InStyle, pasting them together to create inspiration boards and fashion montages. (Side note: I helped Evie collage her high school bedroom closet. It was an epic undertaking that still wasn't complete by the time they moved a few years later.)

During that time I also started to collage the covers of my school notebooks, a tradition that I carried into high school. Each subject had its own style and design, specifically tailored to it based on logical thoughts such as, "Spanish class feels like the colors in this collage."

My sophomore year of high school I picked up journaling daily, and while this has continued over the years, collaging my notebooks stopped after high school. Coming home on breaks from college, I might create a collage or two, but that was it. Then, this year, I combined the two practices together and started collaging my personal journals.

These are my three most recent journals, which I covered in clear packing tape to help them withstand tossings and bag rumplings:

stay tuned (journal) 2020.jpg

April 2020 - June 2020

June 2020 - September 2020

September 2020 - Present


Jiufen, Taiwan


Grief and Graduation