Recently Weaving

May 2023

The photographs above were both taken in 2022 — the flowers were at the Getty Center in L.A. and Abigail’s tattoo portrait was made during the summer Christian Vision and Photography class. I created this weaving for Abigail’s college graduation this May.

April 2023

Both of these images were also taken in 2022. Again, the flowers were at the Getty Center. I created this portrait of Jonathon and myself (shadow in the bottom right corner) because I had one shot left on my roll of film and I wanted to get it developed asap — it’s one of my favorite photos.

April 2023

I created two weavings with one of the same photos because 1) I had two prints, and 2) I wasn’t sure if I liked the first version I made. The weaving on the right is off-colored because I wasn’t able to scan it before sending it off to Sarah in Germany. These photos are from Cave Hill Cemetery in 2021.

April 2023

The above photos are from a photo walk in Shelby Park we took during the Christian Vision and Photography class in 2022. On this walk we had to write down a list of 10 things we would look for before walking and then photograph them if/when we found them. This is one of my favorite mini weavings.

April 2023

I created this weaving for my roommate-at-the-time’s birthday. The portrait of Carrie and the red flowers were both taken in Cave Hill Cemetery in 2021.

July 2022

The photograph of my sister with the potted flowers was taken spring 2020, and the blooming red bougainvillea over the white wall was taken in L.A. on my first visit in February 2021. I enjoyed creating the composition of this weaving.




Poems & Photographs